Joey Barton isn’t a stranger to controversy, whether it be his six-month prison sentence for common assault and affray, gambling charges, or multiple instances of bust-ups with football players. In recent weeks, Barton has hit the headlines again, and as you would expect, not in a favourable manner. Towards the beginning of December, Barton unleashed […]
Give that man a laptop, tablet or even a phone with a gambling app, and it seems he just can’t resist using it to place a bet. Unfortunately for Joey, footballers aren’t allowed to do that, especially when they bet on their own team! It doesn’t matter that he actually lost more than £3000. The […]
Joey Barton has spoken out about his gambling, and claims he’s far from the only player who’s done it. According to online betting website, Barton claims that as many as 50% of professional footballers have bet on matches at one time or another.